4CHAN archive illinois thread 847
4CHAN archive illinois thread 847

Similarly, I can't add "so I herd that Tirus lieks Mudkips" to the Mudkip article because no reliable source has said so. If nobody has reported on the re/b/oot, we can't talk about it.

4CHAN archive illinois thread 847

Guest 08:14, 10 April 2007 (UTC) Wooty, would you do the honors, (simply because i dont know how to report speculation.) Tirus 14:18, 10 April 2007 (UTC) We do not report speculation, "Guest", we are an encyclopedia, a collection of what other people say, not a gossip column or a newspaper. Part of the function of Wikipedia is to report on things  very sources, sure, but obviously you both heard it somewhere just label it as speculation. Just label it as heresay / temporary news. Wo o ty Woot? contribs 19:29, 9 April 2007 (UTC)

4CHAN archive illinois thread 847

Think we should metion anything about moot taking /b/ back over and banning the mods? Tirus 14:42, 9 April 2007 (UTC) Not unless we have sources.

4CHAN archive illinois thread 847